As a new year begins, it’s common to find yourself indulging in retrospection and reflection about your life choices. All sorts of feelings of hope, joy and even nostalgia start to invade us. We get excited, and our expectations reach an all-time high. We promise ourselves that this is going to be the year we will truly make those changes.
What’s more, we’re bombarded with headlines about how to detox your body from December’s overindulgences, the new diet you need to follow to get the body you’ve always wanted, the list of countries you must visit, how to finally get the job of your dreams, the meditation routine that will ease your stress and finally bring peace to your life and the list goes on...
What starts off with so much potential quickly fades, and we find ourselves slipping into our old habits while sitting with a list of broken resolutions before Valentine’s day is even here.
Every year it’s the same song and dance, so I didn’t want to add to this merry-go-round of advice. Instead, I wanted to share my honest reflections about why I plan to work hard both on myself and my brand, and why I’m going to take it easy along the way.
For me, 2019 was a year filled with many great things personally and professionally. On the other hand, forgetting my best friend’s birthday and not spending enough time with my grandparents, who I’m blessed to have and who love me so much, were some things of which I am not proud.
However, most of my thoughts made me feel grateful for the incredible accomplishments and wonderful moments that came my way without any planning whatsoever. Many of the amazing things that happened to me weren’t written down at the beginning of the year because I never imagined life was going to lead me in that direction.
For example, when my partner’s dream of becoming a motorcycle racer came true, we were very supportive of each other. It was so satisfying to see how happy he was and how so many years of work finally came to fruition.
Another beautiful and fun moment was during the Christmas party with the P D PAOLA team. We got to connect more profoundly there and learned things about each other outside of work. One of the best parts was singing karaoke and discovering so much hidden talent!
So, this is why, rather than rushing to make a list of goals for 2020, I simply decided to be absolutely grateful and positive about where I am right now and how far I've come. Yes, sometimes, the feeling of getting older hits you, but I’d never want to be 18 again, with the issues and insecurities that come with that age. Now I feel more self-confident, and I would not change that for anything.
All this said, don’t get me wrong; of course, setting goals is necessary to get motivated and get a sense of where we want to go in life. And if there’s anyone who champions self-improvement, it’s me—I’m up for anything that helps you get a healthier body and mind.
It’s no coincidence that the essence of our brand is rooted in the idea of empowering women, finding ways of connecting with our true selves and helping each other feel like the goddesses that we are.
For me, this is what it’s all about—finding simple, good-for-you goals without putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. And that doesn’t mean just doing easy things. I think it’s about taking on a challenge and feeling it 100% without forcing things.
Well, I did actually make one resolution—to repeat my guilty pleasure of 2019 and treat myself again to an advent calendar in October and November, and also to mess up my nails, so I have an excuse to pamper myself.
In the end, we all have goals and dreams that live in us. How we approach them is an individual choice. Some people need to write them down to keep themselves accountable, others xxxx; whatever works for you! Personally, I’ve decided to welcome each day as it comes, with an open heart, mind and soul.
Happy 2020!
Me-Myself & I
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