The Mag
‘You bring out the best in me' or How to foster positive relationships
As a new year begins, we find ourselves filled with new goals, lists of the things we want to achieve, and a vision of the person we want to be …
Let's talk about procrastination
Back to Real Life: Survival Guide
Having an existential crisis? Watch these movies
Vulnerability: weakness or bravery?
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “vulnerability”? In my search for an answer, I asked a few friends and it was interesting to hear their completely opposite approaches...
Solo Living: Live alone and love it
There are many pieces of advice that us, women, wish we would have been given in our early youth, like: how to choose a partner wisely, how to deal with breakups, how to pick the right bra… or how to live by yourself and enjoy it...
On cultivating your own garden (and this is no gardening article)
My friend V often talks about her garden and how keen she is on “protecting it” from intruders. However, she is actually not talking about a real garden with peonies or roses...
Winter Survival Guide
Black Friday 2021: Alcuni consigli per fare acquisti in modo consapevole
I saldi del Black Friday sono dietro l'angolo. Mentre alcune persone impazziscono facendo acquisti folli durante il Black Friday, altri consumatori optano per un approccio...
3 Strategies To `Know Thyself´ (And Have A Bit Of Fun On The Way)
Autumn equinox: rituals and spiritual significance
Teleportation (or how to travel to LA while lying on your bed)
10 Movies with the right amount of glow
Some movies are popularized by directing talent. Others, because of the casting. And, some of the most timeless films that we know (or recommend discovering) stand out because of the leading role that jewelry plays in the narration and...